Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Horizon Has Been Defeated

Recently, Mr. Darling's parents drove up to go dirtbiking in the Utah Little Sahara Sand Dunes. I think they had fun, despite the wind storms rolling through the area. His younger brother had access to a fantastic trailer that made the trip more fun for all involved (thank you, SW!) and I even got to go out for a little bit!

I took a few pictures of my absolutely fearless husband while he was out it bad that I am so proud that he rides HIS OWN bike?! I told him he couldn't use any of our "regular" money for it, and being who he is, he found a few little investments that allowed him to make enough to buy himself the bike he wanted. I adore Mr. Darling, can you tell?

The storm clouds make a cool backdrop. I know the above picture isn't a super technical trick, but I really liked the horizon contrast here.
Here he is catching some air....We measured and he was airborne for 48 feet. How cool is that?Here he is showing me what sand is for....

How many W's does it take to put a flag on a dirt bike?
Here are the two of us....I think perhaps next summer I may need my own quad...what do you think, sweetheart?
Unfortunately, the shiftless quad is sick.... Mr. D. helped his dad work on it while his mom prepared yummy food for the family. Mr. D thinks it may be time to put "the marshmallow" out to pasture...
And here is the entire family...almost ready to call it a (very windy) night.


Cherri said...

Wow you got some really good pictures. I wish we had had more time at your place to see some of your other shots. Very good Amanda! It was really fun getting to be out there and so glad you came for the time you did. What a good sport!

eve said...

that first picture is amazing! i really like all of them. looks like fun! your a better sport than i am, for sure.

Seaside and Lollipops said...

This is where we are going to be living Amanda. Little Sahara - - 15 minutes from our home. Hot, Dry and I won't be going. Nope! I know the entire world goes there but not me. We go to Fillmore to ride on a trail that runs from Canada to Mexico. Lovely! Glad you had fun in the desert. Yikes!